
Interpreters are reliable because they are aware of the sensitivity of their role and know that there is confidential information that must not be disclosed. They do not indulge in personal ideas but always remain neutral.


  • The academic training of interpreters is selective. Dozens of candidates take the entrance tests for master's degrees in interpreting every year, but only few are successful.

  • Interpreters work under time pressure and the unpredictability of live performance..

Apprendimento continuo

The number of specialised subjects which an interpreter comes into contact with is vast. That is why a propensity for continuous learning is essential in order to learn terminology, specialised content and the culture of two countries, often without ever being a true expert.


The fundamental characteristic of an interpreter. You come into contact with the mindset of various cultures and professions and develop a taste for detail. You are always improving and you never stop learning.


During the interpreting course, it is necessary to self-assess and give feedback to peers. It is important to know how to be rigorous without exaggerating, recognising strengths and elements to be improved. Perfection does not exist but precision does.


During the interpreting course it is fundamental to know how to set achievable and adequate goals over time.The tasks are many and you must dedicate hundreds of hours to learning and refining your techniques, especially in autonomy. This is where the ability to set goals comes in.


Interpreters must be able to manage the economic choices arising from business activity as a freelancer on a free market.

They cannot afford any flaws in reputation and cannot accept unprofessional behaviour. Their professional career depends on this.


During their career, interpreters will have to make careful, listening to the advice of others, but deciding autonomously. They know where to look for the necessary information and are able to take personal initiatives. Without this characteristic, it is difficult to move in the professional and academic environment.

These soft skills are fundamental for the freelance interpreting profession.

However, the skills that an interpreter acquires at university and as a practitioner

make an interpreter suitable for a broad variety of related tasks.

Read about my interests at the bottom of this page.

The Interpreter's Soft Skills – Podcast


Discover the soft skills of an interpreter.

Lifelong learning

Interpreters must keep updated to be able to work in fields where they are not direct experts and have to be willing to learn. 